B.S.E. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Certificate in Applications of Computing
Princeton University, 2008
Ph.D. in Control and Dynamical Systems
Minor in Aeronautics
California Institute of Technology, 2013
Originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina, I received my B.S.E. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Princeton University in 2008. At Princeton I worked in Professor Pino Martin's lab (the CRoCCo Lab), where I wrote my senior thesis on designing algorithms for identifying and tracking hairpin packets in DNS data of hypersonic turbulent boundary layers. In 2009, I joined John Dabiri's lab at Caltech, the Biological Propulsion Lab. At the Dabiri Lab, I have worked on several projects involving the application of tools from dynamical systems to vortex dynamics problems in biological propulsion. In May 2013, I received my Ph.D. in Control and Dynamical Systems, from Caltech. I am currently a Guidance and Control Engineer at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab.